Getting through winter can be a hard slog! January seems to drag on an on and the days never seem to get longer. I have made it a habit to head for somewhere warm and do something creative every February. February is a good time for cheap air tickets too.
This February we have organised a creative workshop in San Diego County. Two days "filled to the gunnels" with activities, great meals, conversation and walks is just the ticket for me to shake of the winter cobwebs. The February 2007 workshop will focus on biography and we will explore ways of accessing and highlighting experiences and memories for your personal life story.
I try to keep our workshops to about ten people. This gives us all the chance to have a say and really connect with each other. After all whilst this is a serious workshop we still want to enjoy this short break in the warm.
If you want more information about our program of workshops or you feel you might like to join is in San Diego in February email me and I will get back to you. I am in the UK at the moment but I check my mail every day.
Now I am heading off to London with the hoards of other people who are spending way too much money on things people really dont want for Xmas.
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